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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hacker Debugging Uncovered


Kris Kaspersky “Hacker Debugging Uncovered "
A-List Publishing | 2005-06-01 | ISBN: 1931769400 | 500 pages | CHM | 14,2 MB

Tips for the practical use of debuggers, such as NuMega SoftIce, Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger, and Microsoft Kernel Debugger, with minimum binding to a specific environment are disclosed in this debugger guide. How debuggers operate and how to overcome obstacles and repair debuggers is demonstrated. Programmers will learn how to look at what is inside a computer system, how to reconstruct the operating algorithm of a program distributed without source code, how to modify the program, and how to debug drivers. The use of debugging applications and drivers in Windows and Unix operating systems on Intel Pentium/DEC Alpha-based processors is also detailed.

Internet Denial of Service : Attack and Defense Mechanisms

Internet Denial of Service : Attack and Defense Mechanisms

Internet Denial of Service : Attack and Defense Mechanisms
Prentice Hall PTR | ISBN 0131475738 | 2004 Year | CHM | 2,04 Mb | 400 Pages

It is Monday night and you are still in the office, when you suddenly become aware of the whirring of the disks and network lights blinking on the Web server. It seems like your company's Web site is quite well visited tonight, which is good because you are in e-business, selling products over the Internet, and more visits mean more earnings. You decide to check it out too, but the Web page will not load. Something is wrong. A few minutes later, network operations confirm your worst fears. Your company's Web site is under a denial-of-service attack. It is receiving so many requests for a Web page that it cannot serve them all--50 times your regular load. Just like you cannot access the Web site, none of your customers can. Your business has come to a halt. You all work hard through the night trying to devise filtering rules to weed out bogus Web page requests from the real ones. Unfortunately, the traffic you are receiving is very diverse and you cannot find a common feature that would make the attack packets stand out. You next try to identify the sources that send you a lot of traffic and blacklist them in your firewall. But there seem to be hundreds of thousands of them and they keep changing. You spend the next day bringing up backup servers and watching them overload as your earnings settle around zero. You contact the FBI and they explain that they are willing to help you, but it will take them a few days to get started. They also inform you that many perpetrators of denial-of-service attacks are never caught, since they do not leave enough traces behind them. All you are left with are questions: Why are you being attacked? Is it for competitive advantage? Is an ex-employee trying to get back at you? Is this a very upset customer? How long can your business be offline and remain viable? How did you get into this situation, and how will you get out of it? Or is this just a bug in your own Web applications, swamping your servers accidentally? This is a book about Denial-of-Service attacks, or DoS for short. These attacks aim at crippling applications, servers, and whole networks, disrupting legitimate users' communication. They are performed intentionally, easy to perpetrate, and very, very hard to handle. The popular form of these attacks, Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, employs dozens, hundreds, or even well over 100,000 compromised computers, to perform a coordinated and widely distributed attack. It is immensely hard to defend yourself against a coordinated action by so many machines. This book describes DoS and DDoS attacks and helps you understand this new threat. It also teaches you how to prepare for these attacks, preventing them when possible, dealing with them when they do occur, and learning how to live with them, how to quickly recover and how to take legal action against the attackers. 1.1 DoS and DDoS The goal of a DoS attack is to disrupt some legitimate activity, such as browsing Web pages, listening to an online radio, transferring money from your bank account, or even docking ships communicating with a naval port. This denial-of-service effect is achieved by sending messages to the target that interfere with its operation, and make it hang, crash, reboot, or do useless work. One way to interfere with a legitimate operation is to exploit a vulnerability present on the target machine or inside the target application. The attacker sends a few messages crafted in a specific manner that take advantage of the given vulnerability. Another way is to send a vast number of messages that consume some key resource at the target such as bandwidth, CPU time, memory, etc. The target application, machine, or network spends all of its critical resources on handling the attack traffic and cannot attend to its legitimate clients. Of course, to generate such a vast number of messages the attacker must control a very powerful machine--with a sufficiently fast processor and a lot of available network bandwidth. For the attack to be successful, it has to overload the target's resources. This means that an attacker's machine must be able to generate more traffic than a target, or its network infrastructure, can handle. Now let us assume that an attacker would like to launch a DoS attack on by bombarding it with numerous messages. Also assuming that has abundant resources, it is then difficult for the attacker to generate a sufficient number of messages from a single machine to overload those resources. However, suppose he gains control over 100,000 machines and engages them in generating messages to simultaneously. Each of the attacking machines now may be only moderately provisioned (e.g., have a slow processor and be on a modem link) but together they form a formidable attack network and, with proper use, will be able to overload a well-provisioned victim. This is a distributed denial-of-service--DDoS. Both DoS and DDoS are a huge threat to the operation of Internet sites, but the DDoS problem is more complex and harder to solve. First, it uses a very large number of machines. This yields a powerful weapon. Any target, regardless of how well provisioned it is, can be taken offline. Gathering and engaging a large army of machines has become trivially simple, because many automated tools for DDoS can be found on hacker Web pages and in chat rooms. Such tools do not require sophistication to be used and can inflict very effective damage. A large number of machines gives another advantage to an attacker. Even if the target were able to identify attacking machines (and there are effective ways of hiding this information), what action can be taken against a network of 100,000 hosts? The second characteristic of some DDoS attacks that increases their complexity is the use of seemingly legitimate traffic. Resources are consumed by a large number of legitimate-looking messages; when comparing the attack message with a legitimate one, there are frequently no telltale features to distinguish them. Since the attack misuses a legitimate activity, it is extremely hard to respond to the attack without also disturbing this legitimate activity. Take a tangible example from the real world. (While not a perfect analogy to Internet DDoS, it does share some important characteristics that might help you understand why DDoS attacks are hard to handle.) Imagine that you are an important politician and that a group of people that oppose your views recruit all their friends and relatives around the world to send you hate letters. Soon you will be getting so many letters each day that your mailbox will overflow and some letters will be dropped in the street and blown away. If your supporters send you donations through the mail, their letters will either be lost or stuffed in the mailbox among the copious hate mail. To find these donations, you will have to open and sort all the mail received, wasting lots of time. If the mail you receive daily is greater than what you can process during one day, some letters will be lost or ignored. Presumably, hate letters are much more numerous than those carrying donations, so unless you can quickly and surely tell which envelopes contain donations and which contain hate mail, you stand a good chance of losing most of the donations. Your opponents have just performed a real-world distributed denial of service attack on you, depriving you of support that may be crucial to your campaign. What could you do to defend yourself? Well, you could buy a bigger mailbox, but your opponents can simply increase the number of letters they send, or recruit more helpers. You must still identify the donations in the even larger pool of letters. You could hire more people to go through letters--a costly solution since you have to pay them from diminishing donations. If your opponents can recruit more helpers for free, they can make your processing costs as high as they like. You could also try to make the job of processing mail easier by asking your supporters to use specially colored envelopes. Your processing staff can then simply discard all envelopes that are not of the specified color, without opening them. Of course, as soon as your opponents learn of this tactic they will purchase the same colored envelopes and you are back where you started. You could try to contact post offices around the country asking them to keep an eye on people sending loads of letters to you. This will only work if your opponents are not widely spread and must therefore send many letters each day from the same post office. Further, it depends on cooperation that post offices may be unwilling or unable to provide. Their job is delivering letters, not monitoring or filtering out letters people do not want to get. If many of those sending hate mail (and some sending donations) are in different countries, your chances of getting post office cooperation are even smaller. You could also try to use the postmark on the letters to track where they were sent from, then pay special attention to post offices that your supporters use or to post offices that handle suspiciously large amounts of your mail. This means that you will have to keep a list of all postmarks you have seen and classify each letter according to its postmark, to look for anomalous amounts of mail carrying a certain postmark. If your opponents are numerous and well spread all over the world this tactic will fail. Further, postmarks are fairly nonspecific locators, so you are likely to lose some donations while discarding the hate letters coming to you from a specific postmark. As stated before, the analogy is not perfect, but there are important similarities. In particular, solutions similar to those above, as well as numerous other approaches specific to the Internet world, have been proposed to deal with DDoS. Like the solutions listed above that try to solve the postal problem, the Internet DDoS solutions often have limitations or do not work well in the real world. This book will survey those approaches, presenting their good and bad sides, and ...

Malicious Cryptography: Exposing Cryptovirology

Adam Young, Moti Yung, «Malicious Cryptography: Exposing Cryptovirology»
Wiley | ISBN 0764549758 | 2004 Year | PDF | 2,46 Mb | 416 Pages

Tomorrow's hackers may ransack the cryptographer's toolkit for their own nefarious needs. From this chilling perspective, the authors make a solid scientific contribution, and tell a good story too." -Matthew Franklin, PhD Program Chair, Crypto 2004 WHAT IF HACKERS CONTROL THE WEAPONS USED TO FIGHT THEM? Hackers have unleashed the dark side of cryptography-that device developed to defeat Trojan horses, viruses, password theft, and other cybercrime. It's called cryptovirology, the art of turning the very methods designed to protect your data into a means of subverting it. In this fascinating, disturbing volume, the experts who first identified cryptovirology show you exactly what you're up against and how to fight back. They will take you inside the brilliant and devious mind of a hacker-as much an addict as the vacant-eyed denizen of the crackhouse-so you can feel the rush and recognize your opponent's power. Then, they will arm you for the counterattack. Cryptovirology seems like a futuristic fantasy, but be assured, the threat is ominous ly real. If you want to protect your data, your identity, and yourself, vigilance is essential-now. Understand the mechanics of computationally secure information stealing Learn how non-zero sum Game Theory is used to develop survivable malware Discover how hackers use public key cryptography to mount extortion attacks Recognize and combat the danger of kleptographic attacks on smart-card devices Build a strong arsenal against a cryptovirology attack

Hacker Inside - Vol.1, 2, 3, and 4

download vol I download vol II download vol III download vol IV
Language: Portuguese

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Visual Basic 2008 Step by Step (with companion CD)


Visual Basic 2008 Step by Step (with companion CD)
Microsoft Press | January 2008 | ISBN: 9780735625372 | English | 346 pages | PDF | 26 MB

Teach yourself the fundamentals of working with Visual Basic 2008-one step at a time. With STEP BY STEP, you work at your own pace through hands-on, learn-by-doing exercises. Whether you're a beginning programmer or new to this specific language, you'll understand the core capabilities and fundamental techniques for Visual Basic 2008-and rapidly build robust, elegant applications. Each chapter puts you to work, showing you how, when, and why to use the latest features of Visual Basic-guiding you each step of the way as you create actual components and working applications for Windows. You'll also explore data management and Web-based development topics. PLUS-get practice files with sample code and data sets on the companion CD.

Key Book Benefits:

* Covers the latest enhancements and features of Visual Basic 2008
* Provides step-by-step guidance on how to use Visual Basic 2008 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to create smart-client and Web applications
* Features easy-to-follow, logically planned lessons in the popular STEP BY STEP format-ideal for anyone with fundamental programming skills
* Includes a companion CD with data sets and code samples

Michael Halvorson is the author or coauthor of more than 30 books, including Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Step by Step, Microsoft Office XP Inside Out, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Professional Step by Step, and Learn Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Now. In addition, Michael is an assistant professor at Pacific Lutheran University.

Wireless Multimedia Communications: Convergence, DSP, QoS, and Security

K.R. Rao, Zoran S. Bojkovic, Dragorad A. Milovanovic "Wireless Multimedia Communications: Convergence, DSP, QoS, and Security"
CRC | 2008-11-21 | ISBN: 0849385822 | 344 pages | PDF | 3,4 MB

With the rapid evolution of multimedia communications, engineers and other professionals are generally forced to hoard a plethora of different texts and journals to maintain a solid grasp on essential ideas and techniques in the field. Wireless Multimedia Communications provides researchers and students with a primary reference to help readers take maximum advantage of current systems and uncover opportunities to propose new and novel protocols, applications, and services.

Extract the Essentials of System Design, Analysis, Implementation
A complete technical reference, the text condenses the essential topics of core wireless multimedia communication technologies, convergence, QoS, and security that apply to everything from networking to communications systems, signal processing, and security. From extensive existing literature, the authors distill the central tenets and primary methods of analysis, design, and implementation, to reflect the latest technologies and architectural concepts. The book addresses emerging challenges to inform the system standardization process and help engineers combat the high error rates and stringent delay constraints that remain a significant challenge to various applications and services.

Keep Pace with Detailed Techniques to Optimize Technology
The authors identify causes of information loss in point-to-point signal transmission through wireless channels, and then they discuss techniques to minimize that loss. They use examples that illustrate the differences in implementing various systems, ranging from cellular voice telephony to wireless Internet access. Each chapter has been carefully organized with the latest information to serve dual purposes as an easy-to-reference guide for professionals and as a principal text for senior-level university students.

To start download click HERE:

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Most Valuable Business Legal Forms You Will Ever Need, 3rd Edition

James C Ray "The Most Valuable Business Legal Forms You Will Ever Need, 3rd Edition "
Sphinx Publishing (2001-10-01) | ISBN 1572481676 | Pages | PDF | 1.8 Mb

This book provides useful documentation relating to the specific structure, management, and day-to-day operation of the a business.

More than fifty valuable documents form the basis for this title. This new edition includes blank, tear-out forms making this title even more user friendly than in prior editions.

Thanks to original uploader.

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Download From Easy-Share

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Exploiting Software : How to Break Code

Exploiting Software: How to Break Code (Addison-Wesley Software Security Series)
By Greg Hoglund, Gary McGraw

  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
  • Number Of Pages: 512
  • Publication Date: 2004-02-27
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0201786958
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780201786958

Product Description:
Praise for Exploiting Software "Exploiting Software highlights the most critical part of the software quality problem. As it turns out, software quality problems are a major contributing factor to computer security problems. Increasingly, companies large and small depend on software to run their businesses every day. The current approach to software quality and security taken by software companies, system integrators, and internal development organizations is like driving a car on a rainy day with worn-out tires and no air bags. In both cases, the odds are that something bad is going to happen, and there is no protection for the occupant/owner. This book will help the reader understand how to make software quality part of the design--a key change from where we are today!" --Tony Scott Chief Technology Officer, IS&S General Motors Corporation "It's about time someone wrote a book to teach the good guys what the bad guys already know. As the computer security industry matures, books like Exploiting Software have a critical role to play."--Bruce Schneier Chief Technology Officer Counterpane Author of Beyond Fear and Secrets and Lies "Exploiting Software cuts to the heart of the computer security problem, showing why broken software presents a clear and present danger. Getting past the 'worm of the day' phenomenon requires that someone other than the bad guys understands how software is attacked. This book is a wake-up call for computer security." --Elinor Mills Abreu Reuters' correspondent "Police investigators study how criminals think and act. Military strategists learn about the enemy's tactics, as well as their weapons and personnel capabilities. Similarly, information security professionals need to study their criminals and enemies, so we can tell the difference between popguns and weapons of mass destruction. This book is a significant advance in helping the 'white hats' understand how the 'black hats' operate. Through extensive examples and 'attack patterns,' this book helps the reader understand how attackers analyze software and use the results of the analysis to attack systems.Hoglund and McGraw explain not only how hackers attack servers, but also how malicious server operators can attack clients (and how each can protect themselves from the other). An excellent book for practicing security engineers, and an ideal book for an undergraduate class in software security." --Jeremy Epstein Director, Product Security & Performance webMethods, Inc. "A provocative and revealing book from two leading security experts and world class software exploiters, Exploiting Software enters the mind of the cleverest and wickedest crackers and shows you how they think. It illustrates general principles for breaking software, and provides you a whirlwind tour of techniques for finding and exploiting software vulnerabilities, along with detailed examples from real software exploits. Exploiting Software is essential reading for anyone responsible for placing software in a hostile environment--that is, everyone who writes or installs programs that run on the Internet." --Dave Evans, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Computer Science University of Virginia "The root cause for most of today's Internet hacker exploits and malicious software outbreaks are buggy software and faulty security software deployment. In Exploiting Software, Greg Hoglund and Gary McGraw help us in an interesting and provocative way to better defend ourselves against malicious hacker attacks on those software loopholes. The information in this book is an essential reference that needs to be understood, digested, and aggressively addressed by IT and information security professionals everywhere." --Ken Cutler, CISSP, CISA Vice President, Curriculum Development & Professional Services, MIS Training Institute "This book describes the threats to software in concrete, understandable, and frightening detail. It also discusses how to find these problems before the bad folks do. A valuable addition to every programmer's and security person's library!" --Matt Bishop, Ph.D.Professor of Computer Science University of California at Davis Author of Computer Security: Art and Science "Whether we slept through software engineering classes or paid attention, those of us who build things remain responsible for achieving meaningful and measurable vulnerability reductions. If you can't afford to stop all software manufacturing to teach your engineers how to build secure software from the ground up, you should at least increase awareness in your organization by demanding that they read Exploiting Software. This book clearly demonstrates what happens to broken software in the wild." --Ron Moritz, CISSP Senior Vice President, Chief Security Strategist Computer Associates "Exploiting Software is the most up-to-date technical treatment of software security I have seen. If you worry about software and application vulnerability, Exploiting Software is a must-read. This book gets at all the timely and important issues surrounding software security in a technical, but still highly readable and engaging, way.Hoglund and McGraw have done an excellent job of picking out the major ideas in software exploit and nicely organizing them to make sense of the software security jungle." --George Cybenko, Ph.D. Dorothy and Walter Gramm Professor of Engineering, Dartmouth Founding Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Security and Privacy "This is a seductive book. It starts with a simple story, telling about hacks and cracks. It draws you in with anecdotes, but builds from there. In a few chapters you find yourself deep in the intimate details of software security. It is the rare technical book that is a readable and enjoyable primer but has the substance to remain on your shelf as a reference. Wonderful stuff." --Craig Miller, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer for North America Dimension Data "It's hard to protect yourself if you don't know what you're up against. This book has the details you need to know about how attackers find software holes and exploit them--details that will help you secure your own systems." --Ed Felten, Ph.D. Professor of Computer Science Princeton University "If you worry about software and application vulnerability, Exploiting Software is a must-read.This book gets at all the timely and important issues surrounding software security in a technical, but still highly readable and engaging way." --George Cybenko, Ph.D. Dorothy and Walter Gramm Professor of Engineering, Dartmouth Founding Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine "Exploiting Software is the best treatment of any kind that I have seen on the topic of software vulnerabilities." --From the Foreword by Aviel D. Rubin Associate Professor, Computer Science Technical Director, Information Security Institute, Johns Hopkins University How does software break? How do attackers make software break on purpose? Why are firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software not keeping out the bad guys? What tools can be used to break software? This book provides the answers. Exploiting Software is loaded with examples of real attacks, attack patterns, tools, and techniques used by bad guys to break software. If you want to protect your software from attack, you must first learn how real attacks are really carried out. This must-have book may shock you--and it will certainly educate you.Getting beyond the script kiddie treatment found in many hacking books, you will learn about *Why software exploit will continue to be a serious problem *When network security mechanisms do not work *Attack patterns *Reverse engineering *Classic attacks against server software *Surprising attacks against client software *Techniques for crafting malicious input *The technical details of buffer overflows *Rootkits Exploiting Software is filled with the tools, concepts, and knowledge necessary to break software. Review:
Computing hardware would have no value without software; software tells hardware what to do. Software therefore must have special authority within computing systems. All computer security problems stem from that fact, and Exploiting Software: How to Break Code shows you how to design your software so it's as resistant as possible to attack. Sure, everything's phrased in offensive terms (as instructions for the attacker, that is), but this book has at least as much value in showing designers what sorts of attacks their software will face (the book could serve as a checklist for part of a pre-release testing regimen). Plus, the clever reverse-engineering strategies that Greg Hoglund and Gary McGraw teach will be useful in many legitimate software projects. Consider this a recipe book for mayhem, or a compendium of lessons learned by others. It depends on your situation.
PHP programmers will take issue with the authors' blanket assessment of their language ("PHP is a study in bad security"), much of which seems based on older versions of the language that had some risky default behaviors--but those programmers will also double-check their servers' register_globals settings. Users of insufficiently patched Microsoft and Oracle products will worry about the detailed attack instructions this book contains. Responsible programmers and administrators will appreciate what amounts to documentation of attackers' rootkits for various operating systems, and will raise their eyebrows at the techniques for writing malicious code to unused EEPROM chips in target systems. --David Wall
Topics covered: How to make software fail, either by doing something it wasn't designed to do, or by denying its use to its rightful users. Techniques--including reverse engineering, buffer overflow, and particularly provision of unexpected input--are covered along with the tools needed to carry them out. A section on hardware viruses is detailed and frightening.

Summary: Must read if ...
Rating: 4
Nutshell review - You must read this book if you have anything to do with building software, from developer to development manager. Hoglund and McGraw are required reading.

Summary: Don't let the black hat on the cover fool you...
Rating: 4
This book is a great review of software security and deserves to be on any security professional's bookshelf. The chapter on Rootkits (Chapter 8) is well worth the price of the book. While the book isn't too long (at just over 400 pages) it does deliver in a concise, easy to read format that makes the book a rewarding read.

Summary: Not as good as other works by these great authors, but still valuable
Rating: 4
I read Exploiting Software (ES) last year but realized I hadn't reviewed it yet. Having read other books by these authors, like McGraw's Software Security and Hoglund's Rootkits, I realized ES was not as good as those newer books. At the time ES was published (2004) it continued to define the software exploitation genre begun in Building Secure Software. However, I don't think it's necessary to pay close attention to ES when newer books by McGraw and Hoglund are now available.

On the positive side, I appreciate three aspects of ES. First, I like the attention paid to attack patterns. This concept makes sense and should be used by other authors who want to describe a means to exploit a target. Second, I am impressed that ES features a whole chapter (5) on attacking client software. When ES was published, client-side attacks were just becoming popular. Discussing this problem shows great insights on the part of the authors. Third, several of the examples in ES are great case studies on exploiting software. When explained in sufficient detail they make for educational reading.

On the down side, I agree with several other reviewers that the book seems somewhat erratic. Attack patterns that are two sentences long are probably candidates for inclusion in a chart, not listed in the main text. I don't think the predictions found in ch 1 were necessary, and I think some of the criticism of detection methods in ch 6 border on the ignorant. I agree that perfect detection is impossible, but there are plenty of methods that work in the real world. They may not be real-time, but no intruder is perfectly stealthy in all aspects of an attack.

Regarding chapters 7 and 8, on buffer overflows and rootkits -- at 170 pages, those could almost have been their own book. The material doesn't seem to match the rest of the book, and it's obviously Hoglund's work. Add in a like-minded chapter on reverse engineering (3) at 74 pages and you definitely have a stand-alone book!

It's probably sufficient to read Building Secure Software, Software Security, and Rookits if you like the McGraw/Hoglund approach to attacking and defending software. Take a quick look at the attack pattern material to get a feel for that concept.

Summary: Want to fix things instead of break them?
Rating: 5
One of the authors here.

Thinking carefully about how things break is a good idea. You should read this book and you should also read the Shellcoder's Handbook" by Litchfield et al. Pretend security nonsense crumbles under the weight of real attacks.

However, if you're interested in fixing the problem, get "Software Security: Building Security In". It's time to DO software security!

On the other hand, if you're looking for the ultimate weapon in the attacker's toolkit, go get "Rootkits."

In the end, the only smart move is a combo package of "think like and attacker" and "build like a pro." For your best all around bargain, get "The Software Security Library."

Summary: Why we use it for a graduate class
Rating: 4
The one major strength of this book, from a computer science viewpoint, is its emphasis on "attack patterns". This systemization of these issues really differentiates this book from many of its competitors (which tend to be either the latest 500 hacks or descriptions of standards). Put simply CS is the study of algorithms, and this book fits nicely into that tradition.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Handbook of Differential Equations

Daniel Zwillinger, “Handbook of Differential Equations"
Academic Press, 3 Ed | 1997 | ISBN: N/A | 801 pages | PDF | 3,9 MB

This book is a compilation of the most widely applicable methods for solving and approximating differential equations. It provides convenient access to these methods and contains numerous examples showing their use. Topical coverage includes ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, stochastic differential equations, delay differential equations, sympletic integration of differential equations, and the use of wavelets when numerically solving differential equations.
This book is an invaluable tool for any student studying differential equations or their applications, and is an excellent addition to the
library of any practicing engineer, using differential equations.

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example: Code and explanation for real-world MFC C++ Applications
Publisher: Packt Publishing | ISBN: 1847195563 | edition 2008 | PDF | 440 pages | 3,49 mb

Visual C++ is an established development language for Windows desktop applications. This book shows you how to develop professional, real-life applications by examining real world examples. It is fast, and used in millions of applications throughout the world. The book is ideal for programmers who have worked with C++ or other Windows-based programming languages. It provides developers with everything they need to build complex desktop applications using C++. If you have already learned the C++ language, and want to take your programming to the next level, then this book is ideal for you.

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Applied C++: Practical Techniques for Building Better Software

Applied C++: Practical Techniques for Building Better Software (C++ In-Depth Series)
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional | ISBN: 0321108949 | edition 2003 | CHM | 352 pages | 2 mb

This book takes C++ a step further from the books that describe specific features of C++. It provides concrete techniques and methods for delivering commercial-quality software; software that must be portable across many platforms, meet performance goals, and be maintainable and understandable both to customers and internal developers alike. The authors include a simple image processing system to demonstrate the techniques of developing robust C++ software; it's a really fun and interesting system for programmers and developers. After reading the book, you will have an image processing framework that is useful for manipulating digital images and a practical toolkit of C++ utilities. This book is unique because it is about software development, not just programming. Sections like Reusable Code and Portability will get the reader thinking about more than trying to come up with the fastest way to code the solution to a problem.

>>:: NO PASSWORD ::<<






IELTS Express 2 Upper Intermediate (Exam Essentials): Coursebook + WorkBook + Teacher's Book + 3 CDs

IELTS Express 2 Upper Intermediate

IELTS Express 2 Upper Intermediate (Exam Essentials): Coursebook + WorkBook + Teacher's Book + 3 CDs
Publisher: EMEA British English | 2006-05-12 | ISBN: 1413009638 + 3191929622 | PDF + mp3 | 538 MB | Rapidshare&Qubecash

IELTS Express Upper Intermediate is the second level of a two-level IELTS exam preparation series. Level two is designed for students at IELTS band 5.5 and above, providing a mid-level entry-point for students wishing to prepare for IELTS. Each IELTS express coursebook is ideal for short preparation courses of 30-40 hours, and can easily be extended for longer courses by selecting from supplementary materials including the Workbook and Video/DVD.

All links can be interchangeable



Rapidshare Folder

Friday, April 24, 2009

The TCP/IP Guide: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Internet Protocols Reference

Charles Kozierok, "The TCP/IP Guide: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Internet Protocols Reference"
No Starch Press | 2005-10-01 | ISBN: 159327047X | 1616 pages | PDF | 23,3 MB

How To Write a Great Research Paper All of the steps of writing a research paper are covered, including choosing a topic, taking notes, writing the outline, compiling a bibliography, revising, evaluating, and more! All is written in friendly language designed to appeal to the middle school age group. Each section includes instructions, examples, and reproducible worksheets

File TCPGu.rar, size 23.26 MB...

Converging NGN Wireline and Mobile 3G Networks with IMS: Converging NGN and 3G Mobile

Rebecca Copeland, "Converging NGN Wireline and Mobile 3G Networks with IMS: Converging NGN and 3G Mobile"
Auerbach Publications | 2008 | ISBN: 0849392500 | 518 pages | PDF | 11,2 MB

Focusing on the future network architecture and its main principles, Converging NGN Wireline and Mobile 3G Networks with IMS provides a comprehensive view of the methods, functions, network elements, and the interfaces among them that enable the building of a service agnostic and access agnostic session control layer based on the IMS standards.

After an introduction to IMS principles with market trends, technological innovations, migration issues, and global standards, the book describes converged session control and multimedia handling with ID management, service profiles, and event and applications triggering as well as admission procedures for different types of access networks. Subsequent chapters tackle the all-important aspects of IP charging mechanisms, service-based quality of service, security, border control, and legacy services, enabling a thorough appreciation of the full network requirements. Wherever possible, the author points out the convergence of standards and details different specifications and terminology for TISPAN and 3GPP.

Delivering deep insight into the role of IMS in fixed line and mobile networks, this book explains the new technologies from concepts to detailed techniques to give a clear understanding of how the next generation of converged communication can be achieved with managed quality, security, and chargeability.

Ultra-high Frequency Linear Fiber Optic Systems

Ultra-high Frequency Linear Fiber Optic Systems
Publisher: Springer | 211 pages | February 12, 2009 | ISBN 3540253505 | PDF | 4 MB

Designed for a one-semester course on fiber-optics systems and communication links, this book provides a concise but rigorous treatment of the theory and practice of analog (linear) fiber-optics links and systems that constitute the foundation of Hybrid Fiber Coax infrastructure in present-day CATV distribution and cable modem Internet access. Emerging applications in remote fiber-optic feed for free-space millimeter wave enterprise campus networks are also described. Issues such as dispersion and interferometric noise are treated quantitatively, and means for mitigating them are explained. This broad but concise text will thus be invaluable not only to students of fiber-optics communication but also to practicing engineers.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

GIS for Web Developers: Adding 'Where' to Your Web Applications by Scott Davis

Scott Davis, "GIS for Web Developers: Adding 'Where' to Your Web Applications"
Pragmatic Bookshelf (October 9, 2007) | ISBN: 0974514098 | 176 pages | PDF | 3,2 Mb

There is a hidden revolution going on: geography is moving from niche to the mainstream. News reports routinely include maps and satellite images. More and more pieces of equipment cell phones, cars, computers now contain Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers. Many of the major database vendors have made geographic data types standard in their flagship products.

GIS for Web Developers introduces Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in simple terms and demonstrates hands-on uses. With this book, you'll explore popular websites like, see the technologies they use, and learn how to create your own. Written with the usual Pragmatic Bookshelf humor and real-world experience, GIS for Web Developers makes geographic programming concepts accessible to the common developer.

This book will demystify GIS and show you how to make GIS work for you. You'll learn the buzzwords and explore ways to geographically-enable your own applications. GIS is not a fundamentally difficult domain, but there is a barrier to entry because of the industry jargon. This book will show you how to "walk the walk" and "talk the talk" of a geographer.

You'll learn how to find the vast amounts of free geographic data that's out there and how to bring it all together. Although this data is free, it's scattered across the web on a variety of different sites, in a variety of incompatible formats. You'll see how to convert it among several popular formats including plain text, ESRI Shapefiles, and Geography Markup Language (GML).

With this book in hand, you'll become a real geographic programmer using the Java programming language. You'll find plenty of working code examples in Java using some of the many GIS-oriented applications and APIs

The Global Positioning System and GIS: An Introduction by Michael Kennedy (2nd Edition)

  • Publisher: CRC
  • Number Of Pages: 380
  • Publication Date: 2002-04-18
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415286085
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415286084
  • Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:

The Global Positioning System and Geographical Information Systems, working in tandem, provide a powerful tool. Recent developments such as the removal of Selective Availability have not merely made these technologies more accurate but have also opened up a new seam of applications, particularly in location based services. The Global Positioning System and GIS is a clear text and guide to the use and integration of these powerful technologies, with each topic combining an overview with a step-by-step approach. This significantly revised and extended second edition now comes with a set of resources on a CD-ROM, including an instructor's guide, demonstration data and exercises. It is a straightforward introductory text for students and teachers on GIS/GPS courses as well as a practical and introductory field manual for mapping science professionals, giving basic practical guidance, particularly to the integrated use of ESRI's GIS software with Trimble's GPS hardware.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

68 Linux Related Free E-books

I have decide to make a comprehensive list of Free Linux related e-books. E-books:

  1. Advanced Linux Programming by CodeSourcery LLC
  2. Comprehensive Linux Textbook by Muayyad Saleh Al-Sadi
  3. Java Application Development on Linux by Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz (PDF)
  4. Linux Client Migration Cookbook, Version 2: A Practical Planning and Implementation Guide for Migrating to Desktop Linux by Chris Almond
  5. Linux Compute Clusters by Chander Kant
  6. The Linux Cookbook: Tips and Techniques for Everyday Use by Michael Stutz
  7. Linux Device Drivers by Alessandro Rubini and Jonathan Corbet
  8. Linux Installation and Getting Started by Matt Welsh
  9. Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide by Ori Pomerantz
  10. Linux Network Administrator’s Guide by Olaf Kirch and Terry Dawson
  11. Securing and Optimizing Linux by Gerhard Mourani
  12. Self-Service Linux: Mastering the Art of Problem Determination by Dan Behman and Mark Wilding
  13. Slackware Linux Essentials by Alan Hicks, Chris Lumens, David Cantrell, and Logan Johnson
  14. Linux Admins Security Guide
  15. Linux Security Howto
  16. Linux Firewall Configuration, Packet Filtering & netfilter/iptables
  17. Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition
  18. GNU Bash Reference Manual
  19. Knowing Knoppix
  20. Linux Client Migration Cookbook
  21. Vi iMproved (VIM)
  22. Linux: Rute User’s Tutorial and Exposition
  23. The Book of Webmin
  24. Linux From Scratch
  25. GNU Emacs manual
  26. Writing GNOME Applications
  27. KDE 2.0 Development
  28. GTK+/Gnome Application Development
  29. GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool
  30. Advanced Linux Programming
  31. Secure Programming for Linux and Unix
  32. The Art of Unix Programming
  33. The Linux Development Platform
  34. C++ GUI Programming With Qt 3
  35. Unofficial Ubuntu Guide
  36. The Easiest Linux Guide You’ll Ever Read - An Introduction to Linux for Windows users
  37. SUSE Linux Administration Guide
  38. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide
  39. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference Guide
  40. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Step By Step Guide
  41. Fedora Linux EssentialsVisual Basic Essentials
  42. Fedora Core 7 Desktop Guide
  43. Ubuntu Linux Essentials
  44. PHP Essentials
  45. Javascript Essentials
  46. Red Hat Fedora Core 7 Installation Guide
  47. The Art of Unix Programming
  48. Bash Guide for Beginners
  49. Beyond Linux from Scratch
  50. The Book of Webmin Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love UNIX
  51. Brian and Tom’s Linux Book
  52. Debian GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
  53. Debian GNU/Linux System Administrator’s Manual
  54. Everyday Linux
  55. FreeBSD HandbookGNU Manuals OnlineIn The Beginning Was The Command Line
  56. Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide
  57. LDAP Operations HOWTOLearning Debian GNU/Linux
  58. Learning the Unix Operating System
  59. Linux Administration Made Easy
  60. Linux Dictionary
  61. The Linux kernel
  62. Linux Kernel 2.4 Internals
  63. The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
  64. LINUX: Rute User’s Tutorial and Exposition
  65. Maximum RPM, Taking the Red Hat Package Manager to the Limit
  66. Pocket Linux Guide
  67. Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO
  68. Linux+ Study Guide

New Headway: Student's Book Pre-intermediate level

New Headway: Student's Book Pre-intermediate level

New Headway: Student's Book Pre-intermediate level
160 pages | Publisher : Oxford University Press; 3rd edition (May 10, 2007) | English | ISBN: 019471585X | 2 x pdf, 4 x rar | pdf : 10M | rar files : 3 X 5M, 9MB

Product Description
90% new, with refreshed content and new features.
About the Author
Liz and John Soars are highly experienced teachers and teacher-trainers, well-known for their contributions to EFL teaching and methodology.

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Upgrading and Repairing PCs (17th Edition)

Upgrading and Repairing PCs (17th Edition)
Publisher: Que | 1608 pages | April 3, 2006 | ISBN 0789734044 | CHM | 24 MB

Be a part of the best-selling Upgrading and Repairing series with the latest edition of the flagship book, Upgrading and Repairing PCs. Author Scott Mueller has taught thousands in his seminars and millions through his books, videos and articles. Since 1988, everyon from PC technicians and students to hobbyists, have turned to Scott Mueller's Upgrading and Repairing PCs books for help with computer problems. Upgrading and Repairing PCs, 17th Edition includes new and updated content covering the latest processors, motherboards, memory, and more

Photoshop CS2: Essential Skills (Photography Essential Skills)

Photoshop CS2: Essential Skills (Photography Essential Skills) By Mark Galer, Philip Andrews
Publisher: Focal Press 2005-06-23 | 384 Pages | ISBN: 0240520009 | PDF | 57.4 MB

An inspirational and user-friendly guide to creative image editing, this book provides direction for photographers and designers alike who have ventured into the realm of the 'digital darkroom.' Photoshop CS2: Essential Skills offers a progressive curriculum to guide you through Photoshop with a series of clear, step-by-step projects designed to place knowledge into a practical context. You will build a useful and essential set of skills for creative and professional image editing and, whether you simply want to retouch an image, create a glamour makeover or create a highly sophisticated montage - this book will give you the essential skills to complete the work to a professional standard.

The accompanying CD-ROM and website,, offer additional teaching and learning support materials which form a library of indispensable supporting resources including: All of the images used in the text * Over four hours of QuickTime movie tutorials to support the practical projects * A range of presets (including layer styles, curves, shapes and gradients) * Camera RAW files * Free extra chapters in e-book form.

* Packed with beautiful color images and covering Photoshop 7.0 up to CS2
* Includes practical projects to put theoretical knowledge into a creative context
* CD-ROM and website,, offer additional teaching and learning support materials

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Windows Vista: The Definitive Guide

Windows Vista: The Definitive Guide
Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Pages: 942 | 2007-02-26 | ISBN 0596528000 | CHM | 14 MB

Whether you're a beginner, power user, or seasoned professional, Windows Vista: The Definitive Guide has everything you need to customize the operating system, master your digital media, manage your data, and maintain your computer -- regardless of which Windows Vista edition you're using.

Why this book and not some other resource? Bestselling author and Windows expert William Stanek doesn't just teach you the steps you need to follow, he also tells you how features work, why they work, and how you can customize them to meet your needs. You'll learn how to squeeze out every last bit of power out of Windows Vista, and how to make the most out of its features and programs

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Data Structures and Algorithms, by Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman

Data Structures and Algorithms, by Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman
Addison Wesley | English | January 11, 1983 | ISBN: 0201000237 | 620 Pages | PDF | 5,33 Mb

Description : The authors` treatment of data structures in Data Structures and Algorithms is unified by an informal notion of "abstract data types," allowing readers to compare different implementations of the same concept. Algorithm design techniques are also stressed and basic algorithm analysis is covered. Most of the programs are written in Pascal.

Download links :

Multi-Carrier Techniques For Broadband Wireless Communications: A Signal Processing Perspectives

Man-on Pun, Michele Morelli, C. C. Jay Kuo "Multi-Carrier Techniques For Broadband Wireless Communications: A Signal Processing Perspectives"
Imperial College Press | 2007-12-10 | ISBN: 1860949460 | 272 pages | PDF | 1,7 MB

Multi-Carrier Techniques for Broadband Wireless Communications provides an accessible introduction to OFDM-based systems from a signal processing perspective. The first part presents a concise treatment of some fundamental concepts related to wireless communications and multicarrier systems, while the second offers a comprehensive survey of recent developments on a variety of critical design issues. These include synchronization techniques, channel estimation methods, adaptive resource allocation and practical schemes for reducing the peak-to-average power ratio of the transmitted waveform.

Contents: Fundamentals of OFDM/OFDMA Systems; Time and Frequency Synchronization; Channel Estimation and Equalization; Joint Synchronization, Channel Estimation and Data Symbol Detection in OFDMA Uplink; Dynamic Resource Allocation; Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) Reduction.